Hear Glenn’s passion for a greater Minnesota.
A constitutional conservative with effective solutions and a positive vision for Minnesota.
“I have known Glenn Gruenhagen for several years. He has been a consistent supporter of conservative causes and candidates in Minnesota. He understands the issues, and embraces the core principles necessary to be a quality legislator.”
— Dave Thompson, Former Minnesota State Senator
“As Minnesotans, our "can do" attitude in all walks of life can right the ship again by returning government to its rightful place; a servant of the people, not our master.”
– Glenn Gruenhagen
Glenn has been endorsed by the following organizations*
“I am extremely honored and grateful to have received endorsements from these prestigious organizations for my re-election to the MN House.”
— Glenn Gruenhagen
National Rifle Association
MN Police & Peace Officers Association (MPPOA)
MN Gun Owners Caucus
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL)
MN Farm Bureau
National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)
Care Providers of MN
MN Chamber of Commerce
Child Protection League
Minnesotans for Health & Parental Rights
Associated Builders and Contractors of MN
MN for Affordable Health Insurance
*2022 endorsements for Glenn Gruenhagen, Minnesota Senate.
Be a part of the team!
Every Dollar helps fight for the cause.
Please support my campaign. I am fighting for a better future for you and future generations.
Donate to Glenn’s campaign and get a refund! Each year, you can contribute $50/person or $100/couple to the campaign and within 3-5 weeks receive a FULL refund from the State. This program was established to enable Minnesota citizens to participate in the electoral process, at no cost to them. Learn more here.
A Heart for the Inner City.
Glenn believes in and has witnessed the power of conservative principles and values to improve people’s lives no matter their race, financial situation, or neighborhood. It’s Glenn’s desire to use these principles to lift people out of poverty and restore dignity to every American, especially those living in our inner cities who have experienced some of the greatest challenges. Learn about Glenn’s views and approaches to ending racism, educational inequality, and other related issues!
“It’s my pleasure to inform you that you have been endorsed by the MPFF! We are grateful for the support you have shown our members over your time in the House and we look forward to continuing our relationship going forward.Chris ParsonsPresident, Minnesota Professional Fire Fighters”
— Chris Parsons
President, Minnesota Professional Fire Fighters

Glenn’s Take on Hot Topics!
The Issues at a Glance!
(Click on an issue to learn more!)
What People Are Saying
“Glenn has a proven track record of fiscal responsibility and does not compromise upon his heartfelt principles of pro-life, personal responsibility, and limited government as outlined in both the Federal & State Constitutions and the MN Republican Platform.”
Daryl Thurn,
Chair of Sibley County Republicans
“I have known Glenn Gruenhagen well for the past 4 years and admired him for his many years of service on the GSL school board. He has been a stalwart defender of effective, conservative, and moral values for the children and staff of our school system. He also utilizes his wealth of knowledge on health care and insurance issues to explain and inform hundreds of people about the critical issues facing families in the 21st century. This is a man of vision and experience, very capable of representing the good people of his district.”
Ron Shimanski,
County Commissioner, Former State Representative
“Glenn's active involvement for over 36 years in the Republican party make him an extremely experienced and well known candidate for State Representative. His participation on numerous Statewide GOP committees including the 2006 State Platform Committee, 2009 Healthcare Task Force, and in 2010 the Judicial Elections Committee, have earned him name recognition and the respect of party leaders.”
Craig Bishop,
Chair of the Seventh Congressional District

Glenn believes in electing judges who interpret the constitution and laws as written and is opposed to judicial activism/legislation in all forms.